Preparing to take the puppy - Lulu was very interester of the carrier :) First evening few days Lulu was keeping her eye on me and the puppy (Minnie is on my lap). First week Minnie wanted to be in my lap very often. So I worked with the fur ball on my lap. She stayed there very nicely! First day out - in the cold :) By 4th day Lulu felt very good with Minnie: After brushing: Feeding Minnie: Lulu watching TV :) Minnie is very smart. Training her is quite diferent that I am used to :) 11. weeks old Minnie When the doggos are left alone in the house then Minnie have the habit to take out the shoes :) And then when I arrive back, she poses with them :) When im away then the doggos are waiting at the hallway Every night she sleeps very close to me: By the evening everybody is tired :) She also loves to be with Pärli :) And by the end of the first month, Lulu has a new best best best friend! She is already very attached to Minnie! Im so happy to see it, because she de...
The activities of an Irish Softcoated Wheaten Terrier & a Medium Apricot Poodle