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Ülenurme national dog shows, 6-7 July 2024

Minne went to her very first real dog show! It was Ülenurme national dog show, near our home held in two days. All results here and here.

I must admit that I felt like a total amateur, because I felt that i dont know enough about poodles at dog shows. Fortunately we had good groomer from Siimline grooming salon, who not only did a very good job preparing Minnie, but also helped with the hair before the ring!

06.07.2024. Judge Evelyn Hurley, Ireland

Description: "7 months, nice size, well made all over, nice feminine head, good eyes, moving in good balance.

Very promising, Special price, Best of Breed Puppy!

After we also went to end competition to get more experience. And I was very happy to get Best in Show Puppy 2nd place! 

07.07.2024, Judge Wilma Strijbos, Netherlands

Description: "Excellent breed type. Beautiful length of leg. Very nice coat & colour. Well presented in good trimm. Nice ribs & loin. Balanced, but a little open in angulation. Excellent eyes and expression. Good bite. Good legs & feet. Extremely nice movement already. Excellent temperament."

Very promising, Special price, Best of Breed Puppy!

I really liked that judge, very nice and focused examination :)

We also took part in end competition but we were not selected in 4 best. But instead, very very nice photos were made from us in the ring!

Our prize collectetion after 2 days:
