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April started with the vet visit, where Lulu was examined. The knees were inflamed and we got 2 weeks on Cimalgex. Meanwhile Minnie did some physiotherapy :) 
Synchronized sleeping

Minnie discovered the trampoline:
Sometimes she is the table decoration :)
She got new friend Olivia..Olivia had fantastically big ears to pull her from :D
After the game was time for the April grooming :)
Lulu was quite okay while the painkillers were on, but the day the 2 week of pills ended, she was unhappy and in pain again :( Hopefully relief will come soon.
In the second half of April the whether went cold again. Little lapdog needed a jacket and warming in the lap :)
Minnie got another friend - Lexi:
 Regularly we have been picking up Pärli from the kindergarden

Minnie got more experiences with lots of people, dogs and noises: 
In the cafeteria:
In the city:
Minnie got 5 months old:
Sleeping examples:

Lulu got artificial joint liquid shots to both of the knees. Cross your fingers that it helps!
