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03.06.23 Obedience competition

Again in Rally competition. Same judge, different location.

This time I was left puzzled. Lulu had very good mood overall. But she was confused, distracted. 

1st course:

Did not wanted to stand, lots of repetition (-5). I managed to stumble (-1). Did not want to come in front but went around instead (last week it was the opposite..hmm?) (-5). Did not go down on cue, tried again, but this time came up too early..(-8). Stopped walking (-3). Looking around, going around (-5). 4x either scratching, too far, looking around (in total -6). So we had 4x-5p :( We were left only with 67 points. 

2nd course.

Here from the second sign I lost my mood, because she again had issues with coming in front. I did not did it again, like I should have (-10). In this course I did many mistakes that was very costly, on sixth sign, I took extra step (-10), also did this on ninth sign (-5). That is basically 20 points lost because my simple mistakes. In addition Lulu was distracted and got in total -10 points cause of this. So in the end  we had 65 points left.

General worry was that the did not wanted to be on my right side. She went in my back. Especially she sis not want to sit on my right. I suspect that her knee is painful again. She was doing the same thing in the autumn, because her bad leg is her left, so it is next to me when she is on my right...I have appointment very soon with her to the vet. We will check. 
