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Goodbye Orr!


With deep sadness we had to say goodbye to Orr on 1st of September 2022, we lost the 2.5 year long battle with cancer. It started with one eye (may 2020) and ended with the other eye, meanwhile taking over your brain and lungs...

Orr, Orru, Orrukene! After we had your hopeless diagnosis in the last days of May, I asked to have more time, at least until the end of summer, I thought. I wanted to celebrate your birthday and give you some good times and mostly, give myself time to get used to the idea of you being gone. Although, you gave me exactly 1 summer, 3 months, an I thought that I was prepared for this, it was still very very hard to say goodbye. It still hurts...

You were my teacher, my soulmate. You had the presence of an royalty. It is hard to overestimate your impact to my life. Rest in peace, my Orruke. 

 Tombstone of Orr
