On the last day of July Lulu took part of an unofficial agility competition called Säde cup in Elva. Judge Monika Adamson.
Planned were 4 courses, 2 were just tube tunnels and two jumping.
So first tube courses, first was nice and clean. On the second one she did not go one one tunnel (that I didn't see) so we lost lot of time by going back.
Videos here:
We got 1st place on both courses with 1st place combined:
Then jumping courses came and we did not do that well. There was a chance to re-run courses with the best result counting. I had to use this on both of the courses. In first time it worked because on the rerun we got a clean run (1st place).
But on the second run we got DSQ and also DSQ on the re-run. I think she was just tired. She refused to take jumps and tunnels.
But still with 2 courses combined we got 2nd place.