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Showing posts from 2025


Minnie likes to sleep on top of something/someone :)   This year has been unusually warm so far, but in the beginning of the month some snow finally arrived. So we had a had little weekend trip to Wagenküll (without the doggos): Then a lot of snow for 2 days: Minnie has been training well - current slalom: From January we started an extra agility handling class, 2x per month until May. Here is video from the first time. It was also first time for Minnie to do a 22 obstacle course. She was very happy to run! First training, 7.01.2025: Second training of the month, 31.01.2025: She is perfect! And so is Lulu: Generally, doggos are not misbehaving at the house. But one morning, while i was busy with the online meeting, Minnie managed to get a magic marker and she destroyed it and coloured the carpet - also shredded plastic bags...she had very busy morning :) 


In the beginning of November we took part third agility seminar with Minnie (first was in September and second was 1 week before the third one). Already at the second seminar (held by Stefanie Semkat), we did with Minnie longer sequencies than ever before (11 obstacles). I found the seminar very good and useful. Worked on command like "in". Minnie worked like gold! Fantastic! Week later we were at Peter Holmberg handling seminar,  worked mostly on rear crossing, the command that she have been working only 2 weeks. And it worked so nicely! I was ecstatic. This time I managed to have a video. Very first time a full course (21 obstacles).       At home they need to be where everyone are :) I got a home laser for Lulu, so now she can have regular treatments for her knees.  Sleeping together: They got sniffing ball for Christmas: Minnie had her first Christmas party and Santa visit, at first she was very suspicious, but later she was good enough to sleep: O...