We started our agility training with Lulu from March (she was 5 months) once a week, 2 months later we added one more training to a week. She has been excellent student, I do not train home enough but somehow she still knows what to do :) In handling, she also have to learn how to read my mind, cause Im not very clear :) For now we try simple handling, finally she does tunnels, we are in the medium high of the see-saw. and our running dog-walk is low plank. Here are some videos from our training. Here is 2 months agility training (04.05.2021), one of the first times outside and trying to do multiple obstacles: 14.07.2021. Already 4 months of training behind us: 25.07.2017. See-saw training: 15.08.2021. Another see-saw session: 31.08.2021. Handling: 19.09.2021. 6 months training and starting the weaves channel method. Also, our running contacts have gone on the actual dog-walk part :) We are having so much fun with Lulu at the agility! We both LOVE it!
The activities of an Irish Softcoated Wheaten Terrier & a Medium Apricot Poodle