Orr became an one eyed dog recently. This was very sudden change for us, as everything developed quite fast. Here is the story: 10 May we went to a forest walk with seemingly well dog. He had lots of fun. On the next day, 11th May , I noticed that he squinting one eye a bit. I was thinking at first that he managed to get something in the eye from the forest walk. By the evening he started to shake the head excessively as there would be something in the ear as well. On 12th May I went to the vet to get an infection medicine for the eye and the ear. After a week of putting the drops, there was no change what so ever, the eye was even worst, if anything. So we went back to the vet on 19th May . Orr had developed a glaucoma to this point. We got painkillers as it was obvious that the dog is suffering with the eye. We also got an appointment to the eye specialist. 10 days before the eye specialist appointment we ran out of painkillers, so the effect of them was ...
The activities of an Irish Softcoated Wheaten Terrier & a Medium Apricot Poodle